
Friday, November 30, 2012

Bread from the Seam

The bread they make in the Seam is said to be grainy and dense. Distric 12 is a poor distric so it makes sense that the base in the bread is sourdough, sinces it's much cheaper than yeast and bakingpowder.

Whole wheat flour

Mix together 4 cups water and 4 cup whole wheat flour. Leave it a tempered place like the kitchen. The day after mix in one part water and one part whole weat flour. Continue for 4-6 days to the sourdough starts bobling and smels sour. If the sourdough smels roten then toss it and start over.
You can kikstart the sourdough by adding milk, yoghurt, honny or yeast.

10 cups sourdough
12 cups water
9 1/3 cup flour (I used a mix of whole wheat flour and all-purpos flour)

Kned the ingredients together.
Leav the dough for 4-6 hours to rais. Every hour fold the sides to the center.
Form the bread and leav until the bread feels like foam.
Bake the bread at 437 degrees Fareneit.

Peeta's bread

This is the bread that I imaging Peeta throws Katnis when she is starving and sitting at a tree in the market after she tried to sell Prims baby clothes.
The bread is described as being more light than the bread they make in the Seam. Katnis describes the bread as a nut and raisin bread.

The first bread I made turned out just like the one Peeta throw Katnis, because it got a bit burnt.

3/4 cup flour
1/4 tablespoon honey
1/4 cup tepid water
1/4 buttermilk
Yeast the size of a pea

Dissolve the yeast in the water. Combine the rest of the ingredients.
Put the sourdough in a small container and store it in the refrigerator for at least tow days.

0,5 oz yeast
8 cup tepid water
2 tablespoon syrup
2 teaspoon salt
1 cup + 3/4 cup sifting
1 cup raisin
1 cup nuts

Dissolve the yeast in the water. Mix in the syrup, sourdough and salt. Add flour, raisin and nuts little by little.
Knead the dough together for about 10 min. Leave the dough for 30 min.
Form the bread and leave to rest for 3 hours, in a warm place.
Bake the bread in a 432 degree Fahrenheit oven for 30 min.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans

I found the recipe for these jelly beans on eHow.

1 1/2 cup water
8 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 oz gelatin
4 cup juice

Mix together sugar, water and gelatin in a saucepan.
Heat up the mixture at medium heat while stirring until the mixture reaches 230 degrees Fahrenheit. It takes about 25 min. The mixture is not allowed to get any hotter because then the jelly will get hard. Have a bucket of ice water ready to when the temperature reaches 230.
Stirrer in the juice. Pour drops of jelly on to a pieces of parchment paper. Let the jelly beans harden for 4-6 hours.
Sprinkle cornstarch over the jelly beans and leave until dry. Once in a while lift the jelly beans some the bottom gets cornstarch. My jelly beans toke 2 days to dry.

1/2 cup boiling water
4 cups sugar

Dissolve the sugar in the boiling water. It's easies to use a bowl with a lid. When the water is cold stir in the colour.
Put in the jelly bean and move the bowl in circular motions until most of the liquid is gone.
Put the jelly beans on parchment paper and store in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until hard. If some jelly beans is still wet in the bottom then just turn them around and leave until hard.

The box
Fore the box you need:
Plastic bag

Print out the template and cut the template. Cut out the windows. Fold the sides.
Glue together the top, then the side.
Put jelly beans in a  plastic bag and close it with a string. Cut of any excess plastic.
Put the jelly beans in the box and glue together the bottom.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chocolat frogs

Chocolate frog from Harry Potter.

Frog mold

Melt the chocolate and pour it in the frog mold. Let the chocolate harden.
Turn the chocolate mold over and gently tap on the mold to loosen the chocolate.

To get the real experiences make a box for the frog.

You'll need paper, glue and a scissor.

Print out the picture.
Cut out the template, and fold every part of the boxes.
Start with the lid and glue together the top and then the sides. Then glue together the bottom.
Glue the flap from the lid to the white part of the bottom.
Place your frog in the box and close it.